Darkblock Office Hours: Renegade Comics
Our friends at NFT TiX have partnered with the world-renowned Exit Festival, one of the largest and most popular music festivals in Europe. The partnership brings light to the demand and importance of NFT ticketing for the future of live music.
Users can now create, view, and upgrade Darkblocks on their mobile device.
Content Stacking and Collection upgrades are officially LIVE on Darkblock. These added features will allow creators to expand their NFT offerings and change the way content is consumed in web3.
Avalanche creators can now use our web app to access all Darkblock has to offer. Darkblock enables content stacking, NFT upgrades, unlimited file sizes and formats, new avenues for monetization (rental), and, most notably, decentralized encrypted content for NFT owners stored permanently on Arweave. To create exclusive unlockable content, NFT Creators simply head to app.darkblock.io to get started.
Here at Darkblock we are always aiming to improve our user experience. That means updating our protocol with new, in-demand features, expanding into other blockchains, and integrating our API into more marketplaces. The race to include Polygon was a no-brainer: Polygon is arguably one of the most accessible blockchains due to their low gas fees.
Darkblock, a web3 company that’s empowering creators with unlockable NFTs, has partnered with LAGO, the leading developer of advanced minted art displays, to revolutionize how digital art is viewed IRL. The two companies share a mission to bridge the gap between the creator economy and web3’s massive potential. Both help creators leverage the power of NFTs to monetize and distribute their content — Darkblock through its decentralized protocol that allows creators to supercharge their NFTs with unlockable content, and LAGO through its premium digital frames that allow a NFT artist’s work to be experienced IRL in ways previously only imagined.
Jungle Cats users will be given the opportunity to purchase the Darkblock protected NFT in an auction on Jungle Cat’s website launching today (June 16, 2022) at 11AM CST. All users will have access to the first page of the comic, but only the highest bidder will be able to unlock and access the full comic.